Monday 23 February 2015

Green heron
    Green heron Butoroides virescens

The green heron belongs to the Ardeidae family. 

Green herons are small, with tiny legs and bodies, they have a wide neck and a long pointed bill. 

They are dark green and brown with grey wings, the young are a paler colour with spots on he neck and wings. 

They stand still by the water looking for food amphibians, fish, insects and small rodents. When the see a fish they lunge forward to grab it with its bill. 

They are found in marshes, estuaries,wetlands and ponds, this is where they nest in the trees. 

The male starts to construct the nest before he has found a female, but once he has found someone to mate with, the females finished the job. The nests are located in the male territory, in a tree. The female lays around five eggs and she incubates them for around twenty one days. The male and female both collect food to feed to the chicks and they stay in the nest for four weeks. 

When breeding season arrives, the males show his courtship display by extending the necks, being vocal and flying., (2015). Green Heron. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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