Monday 23 February 2015

yellow rumped warblers

Yellow rumped warbler at FGCU
Yellow rumped warblers Setophaga coronata

The yellow rumped warblers  belong to Parulidae family

They are small in body size with a big head and small tail.  They are grey, white and yellow. The males have a brighter head than the females. 

They can be found flying over forests and coastal areas. 

They feed on berries and insects. The hunt for food by looking under leaves and twigs. 

When it is courtship season the males follow the female, he makes himself look bigger by plumping up the feathers and sings to her. The nest is placed in a tree and it constructed by the female. The female will lay five eggs and are incubated for thirteen days. Once the chicks have hatched the male and female will collect food. At ten to thirteen days the young can fly small amount., (2015). Yellow-rumped Warbler. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

Audubon, (2014). Yellow-rumped Warbler. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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