Monday 23 February 2015

Coontie Zamia integrifolia

The coontie belongs to the Zamiaceae family.

The coontie has slim green leaves. This plant is found from Florida to the Keys. The plant likes sandy soils in pine forests

The stems are small, ten centimeters. The plant is embedded in the ground and new branches are produced from the main stem. The leaves are quite large, thirty centimeters, they fan wide. The plants with increased flat leaves tend to be in the shade, this is due to the amount of moisture which isn't lost due to the decreased surface area.

The cones resemble pine cones. The males vary in colour black/orange/brown and are ten centimeters. The females are the same colour as the males but they are smaller, six centimeters. The cones appear in August until January.
., (2015). The Coontie of Florida. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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