Monday 23 February 2015

Grey heron
  Grey heron Ardea cinerea

The Grey heron belongs to the Ardeidae family. 

This is largest heron with long legs and neck. It has pale and dark blue feather, white neck and front and a yellow bill and legs. The young are grey. They have a wing span of one hundred and eighty centimetres. 

The feed on fish, amphibians, small mammals and invertebrates and they hunt by standing still in the water and waiting for the fish to swim past, the heron will lunge forward and stab the fish with its bill. 

They can breed on groups or on their own close to the water, usually in wood land. The nests are constructed by nests and leaves and placed in the trees. The female, in March lays five eggs and incubation is twenty six days, and both male and female share this role. The young are fed regurgitated fish and leave the nest and thirty days., (2015). Grey heron videos, photos and facts - Ardea cinerea | ARKive. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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