Monday 23 February 2015

Common grackle
 Grackle Quiscalus quiscula

The grackle belongs to the Icteridae family. 

The common grackles similar to blackbirds, but much larger in build and tails. The male holds the tail in a keel shape where the females does not. Their heads are smooth with a long, black bill. The wings appear to be short. The females are smaller than the males. They average 32cm in length. 

Their colouring is shiny purple which seems to glisten in the sunlight. Their heads are blue/purple and the bodies are brown/bronze. Their eyes stand out due to the golden colour, this applies to males. The females are a much duller colour. There is a slight difference between the sexes the males are more shiny than the females. They have long and strong legs which helps them forage for food by pecking instead of scratching. Their flying technique is short and rigid movements. 

 The way to tell the difference between adults and juveniles is the difference in the eye colour and colour of the body, the young birds have dark brown body and eyes.

The birds congregate in great numbers, either flying or foraging around farm land. They are common in the urban and rural parts, sitting on telephone poles, gardens and fields. 

The vocalisation of the common grackles are very loud with a deep tone, their songs are high pitched. , (2015). Common Grackle. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Apr. 2015].

Society, N. (2015). Common Grackles, Common Grackle Pictures, Common Grackle Facts - National Geographic. [online] National Geographic. Available at: [Accessed 6 Apr. 2015].

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