Monday 23 February 2015

Black tree crab
Black Tree Crab Aratus pisonii

Black Tree Crab belong to the Sesarmidae family. 

They are brown and green, the legs are also brown. The eyes are located at the corners of the carapace.

They are around three centimeters but the size varies on gender and habitat, larger crabs inhabit the mangroves. They can live for around five years. 

They can be found within the mangroves and temperate areas. 

The male put the spermataphores into the female, this is where fertilization takes place, the females carry the eggs (up to thirty five thousand) until time of hatching. When it is time, the female goes into the water shakes her stomach to release the larvae.

The males have adapted larger claws which they use in aggression to other crabs or predators., (2015). Mangrove Tree Crab. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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