Monday 23 February 2015

Great egret
Great egret Ardea alba 

The Great egret belongs to the Ardeidae family. 

They are large birds, with tall legs for wading through the water. Their necks are shaped in an S. They are white all over apart from the bills which are orange and the legs are black. 

They stand and watch in shallow water to hunt for food. When the prey comes past they use their powerful necks to lunge forward and stab the prey. 

They feed on frogs, fish, small mammals, birds, reptiles and small aquatic animals. They are found in salt water, brackish, wetland and freshwater environments. 

They nest on groups high in the trees away from the threat on predators., (2015). Great Egret. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2015].

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