Monday 23 February 2015

Tropical sage
 Tropical sage Salvia coccinea

The tropical sage belongs to the Labiatae family. 

It can grow up to four feet in height. The flowers are a bright red which are shaped like a vase. These bloom in the spring, summer and autumn but they die in the winter. The leaves have leaf stems across from the leaves in a square shape. As the shrub grows the leaves tend to decrease. 

 The bright red colours attract all sorts of wildlife from bids, butterflies and bees. 

In order for the tropical sage to grow correctly it need be in the partial sunlight but there is a decrease in flowers, all different soil types like sand, alkaline and clay. The plant are also able to cope with droughts. 

The saliva is required mainly during the hottest months of the year as the plant may be suffering due to the hight temperatures. 

This plant was used for many things during Ancient times, healing, antiseptic and tea. 

Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

Gilman, E. (2015). FPS519/FP519: Salvia coccinea Scarlet Salvia, Scarlet Sage. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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