Monday 23 February 2015

pine and palm trees
The pines have the genus pinus.

The pine belongs to the Pinaceae family. 

Pine is coniferous and around one hundred and fifteen species. They can grow in a range of different soils, acidic and drained soils. 

They can grow up to two hundred and forty five feet and thirty centimeters diameters. The leaves are sharp, needles which stay on the trees all year round. They reproduce through the cones as they contain the sex organs. The pollen from the make is taken to the female cones (green) via the wind. The female cones colour change to brown after fertilization and then the seeds are released and the wind aids in transportation and dispersal (ninety feet from the mother). 

Many forest animals eat the cones, even humans eat the pine nuts. 
The bark produces resin which is extremely flammable, this is one factor that aids in fires.
The palm belongs to the Arecacea family. 

There are three thousand species of palm tree. 

The leaves are referred to as fronds, and are either feathered (pinnate) or fan shaped (palmate). The trunks are a cylinder shape. The flowers are very small and are yellow and green. The fruits are coconuts., (2015). Palm Tree | All About Palm Trees. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2015]., (2015). Pine Facts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2015].

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