Monday 23 February 2015

Turkey vulture
 Turkey vulture Cathartes aura

The turkey vulture belongs to the Cathartidae family.

They are big birds with long wings and wing tips and tails. The turkey vulture is black and brown over over with paler under wings with a red bill and face and pink legs. The younger vultures have a blak head and bill. 

 During flight the wings are held in a V shape taking very little wing beats, they are soarer's. They are usually in small groups whilst flying and larger numbers during roosting. The wingspan is one hundred and seventy five centimetres. 
As a way of defence the vulture vomits its stomach acid and hiss. 

They are found in open areas of farm land, fields, urban areas and land fill. The feed on carrion (dead/decaying meat). They have a great sense of smell which aids in finding the food. 

There is not nest but the eggs are laid in trees or in gaps in cliffs. There are usually two eggs, both parents take on parental responsibility, by incubation for forty one days. Once the young have hatch there is always one parent at the nest to guard and protect from predators. Both parents take it in turn to guard and to feed the chicks by regurgitation. The young are able to fly at ten weeks. 

., (2015). Turkey Vulture. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

Audubon, (2014). Turkey Vulture. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

Society, N. (2015). 
Turkey Vultures, Turkey Vulture Pictures, Turkey Vulture Facts - National Geographic. [online] National Geographic. Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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