Monday 23 February 2015

 Mullets Mugi cephalus
The Mullets belong to Mugilidae 

They have a long body which is built for speed.  They are grey/blue in colour, by the belly the scales tend to fade. They have a tiny mouth and head, they grow to two feet.

Mullets are ray finned fish, they small mouths and do not have a lateral line but they do have two dorsal fins.  They are found in freshwater.
The mullets skip and leap across the water, as it increases the levels of oxygen in the body. 

They feed on small matter, algae, plankton and vegetation, as they are bottom feeders, they swim along the bottom scraping up the food. The gill raker are used to sieve through the water.

When mating the males and females take a slow swim into the current. The eggs are fertilised externally.  They are found in warm waters. 

eHow UK, (2015). Mullet fish facts | eHow UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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