Monday 23 February 2015

Screech owl
 Screech owl Megascops asio

The screech owl belongs to the Strigidae family.

The owl is short with a big head and no neck, they have rounded wings and tail, and upright ears. 

They are red/brown and grey with spots with aid in camouflage. They have large yellow eyes to aid in sight. The beaks are pale yellow. 

They are mainly active at night. They tend to be very vocal by hooting, rasping and screeching. They can be found in evergreen forests.

They feed on insects, fish, birds, lizards, snakes and rodents. They hunt by sitting and watching, then fly down and catch the prey.

The courtship by the male is by making noises with its bill, the male also finds food and takes it to the female. Once mated they clean each others feather and sing together. They nest in hollow tress or in cactus. The females lay on average five eggs and incubated for twenty six days by the female, The male brings food. Once the chicks have hatched by mother and father go and collect food for the young. Four weeks after hatching the chicks leave but the parents are still taking care of them. 

, (2015). Eastern Screech-Owl. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

Audubon, (2014). Western Screech-Owl. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015]., (2015). Eastern Screech Owl. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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