Monday 23 February 2015

Florida flag fish
 Florida flag fish Jordanella floridae

The Florida flag fish belong to the Cyprinodontidae family. 

The body is compact with spiny fins. They are shaped like a sunfish with the anal and dorsal fins located near the back. The female is smaller than the male. The male are brightly coloured with yellows, green, blue and reds. The female has a black eye spot at the sides by the dorsal fins. The females are duller than the males. They are grey with a hint of green. She is able to change her colour to resemble her mood and if she is ready to breed. As the males grows the he loses the dorsal spot and the female black dorsal spot is even more defined with a white circle in the middle, this is to trick the predators into thinking the spot is the real eye. 

In courtship the males use their red fins to get the females attention, the males have their territories. If the female is attracted the male, the female will swim to a plant and the male would follow. The male clings onto the female and releases sperm and the eggs are released. The eggs area at the surface by a sticky substance. The eggs will hatch ten days after the female has released them. 
They breed in the winter and spring.  Once mated the male ans female will spend all their time together

They have small sharp teeth with they use to bite chunks of plants, algae, crustaceans and insects., (2015). Jordanella floridae The American Flag Fish. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

Seymour, M. (2015). American Flagfish - The Care, Feeding and Breeding of American Flagfish - Aquarium Tidings. [online] Aquarium Tidings. Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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