Monday 23 February 2015

African jeweled cichlid
 African jewelled cichlid Hemichromis bimaculatus

The african jewelled cichlid belongs to the Cichlidae family. 

The cichlid vary in colour, blue, red, orange and green. The bodies are oval, wider at the head than the back. The fins are yellow with a black lining around the outside. The females are smaller than the males. On average they are six inches in length.

They are found at the bottom of freshwater canals. 
This species is aggressive to other fish and to other African jeweled cichlid, especially during spawning. The courtship is viscous, the male doesn't give up, it is up to the female to end mating. The female lays the around six hundred eggs on flat rock. The male and female makes hole in the ground so once hatched this is where the they will go. The fry are moved in the mouth of the female, they parents take it in turn to look after the fry and to guard the next., (2015). Hemichromis bimaculatus (Jewel Cichlid) - [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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