Monday 23 February 2015

Chapmans goldenrod

 Chapman's goldenrod Goldenrod Solidago. 

The Chapman's goldenrod belongs to the Asteraceae family.

The leaves are rectangular shaped and do not possess a stalk. The flowers are yellow, and bloom in the summer months  until autumn. When fully grown, the plant can grow up to five feet in length and three feet in width.

These are found in pine and open woods, sand hills and dry areas. It is able to grow in shades spots but this has an effect on the height. 
Due to their bright coloured flowers many insects, bees and wasps are attracted to the plant, this is good for pollination. Birds eat the seeds and small rodents eat the flowers., (2015). Chapman's Goldenrod. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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