Monday 23 February 2015

Bobcat scat
 Bobcat Lynx rufus

The bobcat belongs to the Felidae family 

The size of the scat is usually an indicator of what animal the scat belongs to. It can be up to two cm in diameter. Carnivore scat contains hair from their prey. Blackberries and blood turns the scat black. Feline scat tend to have blunt ends whereas canines have tapered ends. Big cats have segmented poo. 
Bobcat scat turns white after a few days this is because the digested blood has decomposed and the calcium carbonate from the bones. 

Scat is seen as way of marking the territory, lots of scats would of been made all the way around., (2015). Bobcat, LYNX RUFUS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Apr. 2015].

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