Monday 23 February 2015

Grey squirrel
 Grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis

The grey squirrel belongs to the Sciuridae family.

They have grey fur along the back, arms, legs and tail and white for the underside. They can grow to twenty inches in length. 

They spend most their time in the trees with nest made from leaves and twigs. They are found in forests, gardens and urban areas. 

Their live span is five years. 
They have great balance, smell, sight, hearing and swim. The tail aids in balance, shade from the sun and protects from the rain.

They are crepuscular. They eat all sorts of nuts, seeds and fruits. 

In the winter is when mating occurs, the males chase the females along the ground and up and down trees. Once the male has caught the female and mated, they both construct a nest ready for the young. The female gives birth to two sets of young per year, spring and summer. Each time there are around three young., (2015). Eastern Gray Squirrel. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2015].

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