Wednesday 18 March 2015

Day 9 6/3/15 Corkscrew Swamp

Day 9 saw another early start, 5.30 to see the sunrise. The weather was misty in the morning but cleared up around mid morning. 

We went out on canoes, Matt, Molly, Sarah, Liv, Isaak, Harry, Owen and myself. When we first got in the canoes it was dark and a bit spooky and mystical canoeing through the mangroves. Unfortunately the mist was too thick this morning, so we didn't see the the sunrise, but I had a great time anyway. 
Matt is in this picture! 
We saw white pelicans, ibis and egrets

Group canoeing 

Corkscrew swamp 

  • It is the largest and best maintained swamp in America 
  • Most of the trees where chopped down for logging as the wood is resistant to rotting and the trees are tall and straight 

An brown anole jumped on my camera, chest and walked around my neck. 

Brown anole on my camera 

  • The cypress tree 'knees' all lock together to protect from hurricanes
  • Cypress lose their needles and it creates a micro-habitat
We had an enjoyable few hours walking around the swamp and we saw a lot of vegetation and wildlife:

10.20 Red Shouldered Hawk sitting a tree 
10.50 Brown anole eating a caterpillar
11.05 2 Carolina anole displaying a orange piece of skin from the throat 
11.10 Woodpecker pecking the bark 
11.15 Red bellied woodpecker  feeding, jumping from tree to tree
11.30 Brown anole eggs in a hole in a tree
11.40 fungi on a tree
12.00 white ibis x3 
12.00 juvenile white ibis x3
12.00 Leopold tree- 500+ years old, 98ft tall 
12.05 Green anole jumping from leaf to leaf
12.10 Salamander like animal. 
12.15 Woodstork searching for food in the foliage 
12.40 Anhinga in a tree displaying its wings 
12.40 Raccoon foraging 
13.00 flock of great white egrets all sitting in the tree branches
13.15 Baby alligator swimming, stopped and perched on a log paused there for a few minutes and set of swimming again
13.20 Bard owl 

The start of the trail at Corksrew Swamp

Red bellied woodpecker

Swamp habitat 

Carolina anole


Hickory Tussock caterpillar 

Cypress tree 'knees'

Green anole

Juvenile alligator 


When the left Corkscrew swamp we didn't have to stay in the convoy, so #TEAMTIM, went shopping for souvenirs. 

After some free time for packing and starting the clean up for the trip home, it was time to walk to the Barefoot beach to watch the sunset on our time in Florida!

Florida 2015!

The whole group gathered and atmosphere was happy and excited, it was like we had all known each other for ages not for 10 days. We had all become close especially the individual teams. 

Sunset on Barefoot beach

Sunset on Barefoot beach

Sunset on Barefoot beach

Sunset on Barefoot beach.... sun has set. 

The winners of the species list and photo competition were announced. Well done to the winners. 

Last #TeamTim photo. 

A group of us went to Docs for our last dinner. The staff were really friendly and welcoming especially as they realized we were from the UK. 


The food was delicious... the sugar from the pink lemonade seem to makes us hyper. 

Pink Lemonade

Salmon...... Fabulous

Group photo.. taken by a waiter


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