Thursday 19 March 2015

Day 10 7/3/15 Returning to the UK

Day 10 saw a lay in 8.00.  The weather coolier than other mornings and there was a lot of cloud cover. 

We all got up and finished the last minute packing and the cleaning of our dorms. 

Our home for the past week
Our home for the week

We left at Vester around 11.00, it was amazing how quick the time went,

At the airport 

First alcoholic drink in 10 days. 
Airplane food... beef casserole 
 We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare, so that meant one thing..... Disney shop!

We got through American security with no hiccups.

It was time to board the plane..... 18.45 was take off.

We were once again showered with food and drinks. We were all little merry.


Amazing sunrise

Hello sun!

After the 6hr45 journey we touched down safely at Manchester at 7.30. 

We all sailed through UK passport control and waited for all our luggage to come round.

We all huddled onto the coach to bring us back to Bangor, majority of coach, including me had a little nap. 
An hour and a bit later, we had arrived in Bangor. 

It felt like a whirlwind, like a dream. It was an amazing 10 day, learnt so many things, done so many amazing things and met some amazing people. 

Thank you!

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