Tuesday 17 March 2015

Day 6 3/2/15 Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU)

Alligator on the board at FGCU. The circle shows where the alligator is 
Day 6 saw a slight lay in from the previous day, 7.00am start. The weather was beautiful, no clouds, sunny and hot. 

9.10 alligator lying on board at FGCU 
9.15 flock of grackles flying in a circle 

Flock of grackles at FGCU

We drove to FGCU campus which was located inside a botanical gardens, for a talk with some of most influential wetland scientists, Bill Mitch, Maciej Zalewski, Jan Vymazal and....... This talk very interesting and gave us an insight on what eco-hydrology are and how to treat wetlands naturally. 

After the talk we drove to 10,000 islands, which is located in the Everglades.En route we saw 45 alligators, they where different shapes and sizes, some where in the water, some where basking and some where half in and out of the water. Ospreys, snowy egret, grey heron and blue herons where spotted. 

The boat trip was scheduled for 13.00, so we had time wonder around the gift shop and take in the beautiful scenery.  

Kat, Cerys, Abbie and myself waiting for the boat trip 

View of the visitors centre from the boat
Man made islands

Very exciting moment.... first dolphin sighting

The picture on the left shows, white pelicans, snowy egrets, ibis and cormorants placed on a semi permanent sand bar. 

Osprey ready to take off! 
2 osprey chicks and adult

After the boat trip we went for a airboat ride, this was so much fun, we saw a range of wildlife, 3 alligator which where in touching distance of the boat , green heron, ibis, great egret, great blue heron, blue heron, turns and roseate spoonbill.

First group in the air boats.
When we arrived back at the visitors centre a little windswept wet, there was an opportunity to hold a baby alligator, which was pretty awesome.

Myself holding a baby alligator

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