Wednesday 11 March 2015

Day 1- Starting our journey to America

 Day 1-  This is where the the Florida adventure begins.

Waking up on the 26/2/15 at 6.00am with 3 hours sleep, I was feeling excited but a little groggy. After getting my final items to pack I was ready to leave. The weather was miserable, it was a typical welsh morning, cold, misty and raining. By the time I arrived at Brambell I was drenched.

The coach journey began with a head count and a passport check, luckily everyone had remembered to pack their passports. The bus was full of hype, full of buzzing conversations and of course the millions of photos began.
Harry Rimmer and Abbie Lloyd -
something must of been funny

After a 2 hour coach ride we had reached our destination; Manchester Airport. The weather was still miserable. Checking in was surprisingly painless, everyone checked in quickly with no issues, the same happened with security. We then had about 2 hours to kill before we could start boarding, so it was time to wonder around the departure lounge, buying lunch, coffee and necessary sweets for landing. The time seemed to drag, we kept looking at the board hoping it would tell us what gate we where flying from. Eventually, hooray we had a gate and a plane! 
Our plane- yes a virgin plane! 
                                                                                                                          Abbie and I- airport selfie

After all the safety checks and announcements had finished, it was finally time for take-off!. We where due to take off at 13.10 UK time, I was feeling quite nervous. 3-2-1 and we were in the air. Not long after take off the first of many food and drinks carts were bought round. 
Fab lolly. YES!
Lunch- Beef Casserole with salad

Afternoon tea is served!

To fill 9.5 hours it was time to watch films; If I stay, The Boyhood and 22 jump street. 
Harry bought the card game uno, so a group of us sat playing that for what seemed like hours. 
Isaak, Harry, Abbie and myself

Owen, Abbie and I - Enjoying the flight

The time had come to prepare for landing; personal belongings away and seat belts fastened. We landed at 22.00 UK time and 17.00 American time. The next task had to get through American security and customs. This task ended up taking about 2 hours to get everyone through the queues. To make matters worse, it was boiling. After collecting our luggage and retrieving our vehicles, it was time to set of to the Best Western Space Shuttle inn, Titusville. This is where #TeamTim was born! (Harry Rimmer, Sarah Blanchard, Molly Riste, Livie Wiles, Katherine Richardson, Carys Leigh Williams, Abbie Lloyd, Nicole Barton, Owen Lynch, Jonny Stewart and myself).

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