Monday 23 February 2015


The waterfowl belong to the Anatidae family

There are around twenty species of waterfowl in America.

Image result for mottled ducksMottled ducks- they have a high value and they are found in the prairies. They have yellow bills and yellow and brown feathers. 

Wood ducks- are medium with red and white patterns on the head. The females are duller than the males. Both genders have white patterns round the throat and eyes. 
 round the eyes and throat.

Migratory Waterfowl

These birds mate and breed in the north and fly to Florida during the colder months. The birds must stay in good condition during the cold months, so they can make the journey to the north in the spring. , (2015). Florida's Waterfowl. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2015].

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