Monday 23 February 2015

white pelicans

White pelicans at Ding Darling
White pelicans Pelecanus erythrorhynchos 

The white pelicans belong to the Pelecanidae family. 

They are white all over with a big, long yellow bill and yellow legs. The wings are white with black tips and the wingspan is one hundred and fifteen inches across. 

They hunt by putting their bills into the water and scoop up the fish. They are also great flyers and can travel long distance, their wing beats are soft and calm. When they fly, they are in large flocks and fly in a V shape. 

They eat fish, amphibians and tadpoles.As the water levels change, so does the pelicans diet. 

They are found in wetlands and by the coast. 

The male and female during the courtship display to fly round other, bowing and making nests. The females lay two eggs, after two weeks of hatching the chicks can are able to leave the nest and go into groups (creches), as the parents are still feeding them., (2015). American White Pelican. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2015].

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