Monday 23 February 2015

tri coloured heron
Tri coloured heron Egretta tricolor

The tri coloured herons belong to the Ardeidae family.

They are medium sized birds, with long yellow legs, with grey, red and white feather. There are yellow patches around the face and the bill is long and a pale yellow.

They feed by wading in the water, waiting for the prey to come past, when prey is in sight they lunge forward to grab the prey. They also kick the sediments, to try to get the fish to the surface. They feed on fish, crustaceans and insects. 

They nest in large groups with other birds. The male finds the nesting site. The courtship displays are areal displays, bowing and extending the neck. The nests are in the mangroves and are constructed by the females, with a little help from the males. The females lays around seven eggs and are incubated for twenty five days. The female and male both have the role of feeding and incubation. They leave the nest at five weeks. 

Audubon, (2014). Tricolored Heron. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2015].

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