Monday 23 February 2015

snowy egret

Snowy egret Egretta thula 

 The snowy egret belongs to the Ardeidae family. 

The snowy egret is white all over, with yellow bands around the eyes and feet and black bill and legs. The young are grey and have green legs. The neck is shaped in an S shape. 

They hunt by standing in the water and harpooning fish with their long bills. They feed on fish, invertebrates, crustaceans and insects. 
They are found in wetlands, beaches and lakes. 

The males perform courtship displays by building up his feather to make himself look bigger, and he is very vocal. 
Breeding season sees the return of the plume feathers on the neck and heads. These feather were once worth $32 per ounce, and was used in fashion. Their feet turn orange and so does the skin on their face. They build their nests in groups, in hidden places to avoid predation. 
During incubation the female and the males both have the roll of keeping the eggs warm. When they hatch, they both find food for the young., (2015). Snowy Egret. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Apr. 2015].

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